星期六, 十二月 27, 2008



[金牛贺岁百业旺 鸿福大展万事兴]

新春佳节即將來临, 会馆择定于农历己丑年正月初二暨公元 2009 年 1 月 27 日 [星期二] ,下午2时到4时正, 在会馆礼堂举行庆祝 [新春团拜联欢会] ,我国及荷兰,欧洲,家乡同乡欢聚一堂, 籍此机会相互祝贺及加強同乡们的联系, 祈望会员同乡携帶子女出席参加共襄盛举, 为增添节日的欢庆气氛, 将有舞龙舞狮踩青助兴, 颁发会员子女大学至小学奖学金, 幸运抽奖及红包赠发给会员同乡小孩及乐龄人士, 新年将增设一项特别的项目, 即宣講 "温州话" 竞赛. 邀请会员子女眷屬踊跃报名参加, 以赢得由 陈冠亨 会长报效的 $888/- 床垫一张. 届吋敬备薄酒茗点招待, 谨此借叙乡谊, 欢迎会员以及家人踊跃云出席, 同欢共庆佳节.

恭祝大家: 牛年迎百福 新春万事兴..

此致 全体 同乡会员 台鉴

温州会馆董事部同人鞠躬 22/12/2008


Dear Members,

you and your family are cordially invited to atten our Lunar New Year celebration, which will be held in the main hall of our assocition premise on 27th Jan 2009 ( Tuesday, 2 nd day of Lunar New Year) at 2pm~ 4pm. Members from singapore, china including those came back from holland & Europe will also be present and celebrate together our chinese tradition.

Programs line up include Dragon/Lion Dance performance, awards of scholarship to children of fellow members who has done well in their academy study, Luck Draw, " Red Packets" will also be given away to member's children age of 15 as well as elderly members. In addition to that, we have also added in a special program ~" Speak WenZhou Hua" contest. We encourage members and their family members to take part. winner will walk away with a mattress worth S$ 888/-sponsor by our Association president Mr. TAN KWANG HIN. Hight tea and Lunar New Year's goodies will be also served.

We believe it is a good occasion for members to celebrate the New Year together and share our joy. do bring yourself and your family to come and join us. Lastly, the committee like to wish all members A HAPPY & HEALTHY LUNAR NEW YEAR.

Wenzhou Clan Association of Singapore

Organizing committee 22 Dec 2008
